Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Wed, Sept 23rd - Summer Palace and Chinese Opera

One more day to go. My time in Beijing is waning too quickly! Yesterday afternoon, following lunch in Zhongcheng's office building cafeteria, we spent some time at the Ching Dynasty's summer palace. See it here:

The serenity of the palace really came through. I felt like a Chinese emperor strolling around the lake on an autumn afternoon. The temperature was cool by the water and in the shade, and comfortably warm in the sun. What impressed me was the space of this place. We spent over two hours walking around and still didn't see everything. The most interesting experience was the large-brush water caligrapher we came across just before departing the palace. He asked if I was American and wrote a message of peace and friendship to the American people on the sidewalk using large brushes and a bucket of water for ink. He also gave me a small gift with the same message, which he had written upon a piece of red paper. I wondered why he thought I looked American rather than Canadian. In any event, it was a nice gesture and I was pleased to accept the gift.

Following a quick dinner, we experienced traditional Chinese opera in the theater of a local hotel.

Very different, but interesting. I was most impressed with the fighting and dancing in the second act of the show. Read more about Chinese opera her:
Picture courtesy of

This afternoon Ma Qiang and I will visit Forbidden City after lunch and work. I will then head back to the hotel to get organized and pack for tomorrow's long 18-hour day of travel. Hopefully Mad Men will make the flight go by quickly!

Have a great Thursday!

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